Contact us to sponsor Radio 2OOO. Reach thousands of listeners in their community language!

Real voices, Real people and real life circumstances without the commercial humdrum.

  • Be a sponsor of Radio 2TripleO and we say “You or your company is a proud sponsor of Radio 2TripleO (Radio2ooo)”
  • Be a sponsor of your Community Language Program and we say “You or your company is a proud sponsor of the (Language) Program on 2TripleO”

To generate business with the multilingual and culturally diverse community of New South Wales, or even to create a niche market for a product, the best way to reach them is through their own language. The growth of the multilingual sector has an increasingly significant impact on the demographic profile of the Australia society. That so many of these multilingual communities rely on radio programs in their own language for information is another fact backed by the most comprehensive and ongoing audience survey done on community radio listener-ship over the last ten years. (McNair Ingenuity Research)

With its local content, local voice, local artist and music community radios have created a non-intrusive format of communication through a network of stations all over Australia. Every station is strongly identified with the needs and interests of the community it serves. Each broadcaster communicates and delivers the messages in the intrigue mode, sense and tone unique to a language and its people. This is the richness in communication that only a language can give to its community. This is the richness that only a multilingual station such as Radio 2TripleO can provides to its network of over 50 communities and language groups.

Simply, if you, your company or product wants a global image Radio 2TripleO will take you there, from Asia, East Asia, Persia, the Middle East, Europe, South America and the Pacific via our network of language programs.

Code 6 of the Community Broadcasting Code of Practice prohibits advertisement on Community Broadcasting License.

Code Of Practice

Code 6, Sponsorship

6.1 A sponsorship policy should include: (a) broadcasting no more than 5 minutes of sponsorship announcement in one hour.
(b) tag each announcement and that means acknowledging the financial and/or in-kind support of the sponsor.

6.2 Sponsorship will not be a factor in deciding who can access broadcasting time.

6.3 We will ensure editorial decision affecting the content and style of individual programs are not influenced by program or station sponsors.

6.4 We will ensure that editorial decisions affecting the content and style of overall station programming are not influenced by program or station sponsors.

6.5 The general programming guidelines in Code 3 (General Programming) also apply to sponsorship announcement.